Starting out from the Academy of the Mind, Bertrand Nilo had anything but small ideas. Of course standing just barely over 4' tall his plans were all that were big about him. Having had his education from the Academy of The Mind because of his natural latent talents towards the psychic side of life, Nilo had always wanted to become a trader. But as the son of a working family the choice made itself when opportunity created itself. He felt that being a Psychic would open far more doors than working his way on the docks like his old man, especially considering he was neither strong nor agile of anything but the mind. Alas, the Academy was complete and it was time to make his own path. And so he would.
Thinking as he walked around, Nilo knew he would have to find a product. Thus, as he asked directions from place to place it dawned on him that information could be his first commodity. So, he sat amid the travelers of the city and watched as the nobles walked past, talked around and all but ignored most commoners, if they looked as though they posed no threat. Therefore, with this information he focused his thought on servitude. To create and maintain a mass of servants that would gather information and bring it into a clearing house to be gathered, organized and analyzed. This would take money and starting information so he sought a transit company to take employment with.
Nilo found the transit company and though the lazy lady behind the desk tried to saddle him with menial tasks, he demanded to be placed in a position in which he would be in contact with the customers and many others. He would ride shotgun on the stages with his own multi shot crossbow.
And thus began Nilo's journey into an attempt to socialize and entangle himself within the network of transport professionals. He quickly found out where the better drivers would socialize themselves and made his way this direction.
It was at this point that Nilo found himself in a very unwanted position. A mage behind him and a thug in front of him, his wallet they wanted to remove. Nilo knew he would be able to levitate to the corner of the building and make his escape readily enough. But this was not the path he would take, he would show the city that his training in Rhinghoda made him an admirable fighter dispite his size and strength.
Nilo fought valiantly against his foes, holding his own against the thug while effortlessly shrugging off the feeble casts of the mage. It took less than a minute for these foes to realize they had bitten off more than they could chew. They departed rapidly and he watched them go with a bloody smile. He was bloodied, he was Arduiniun. He would bow to no man.
Making his way back to the transport business he found his way to a small apartment they kept for drivers to make short use of. Talking his way into use of the facility he tapped into his subconsious and began to speed his healing as the night and weariness took him.
Good rendition of the first session. I like all the inner dialog. Its so very fitting. Lol.
ReplyDeleteI found you via the Emperor's Choice blog and look forward to seeing where you go with this. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteThanks, this is a first attempt at playing via a video feed and teleconference. Hoping it works out, loving the Arduin game system and game world. They have done an incredible job there at Empcho.